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“Communication and China. Fudan Forum” (2010)

News Reporting in the Age of Information and Globalization: Idea, Institution and Technology of Chinese Media


As rapid changing communication technology connects everyone living on this planet, the age of information and globalization is finally arrived. Inside this global village, news, like never before, travels to every corner of the world in real time. Growing importance of news only pushes the competition for the discursive power of news to a whole new level.


After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, the economic and technological strength of Chinese media, along with its practice of news reporting, reach historical heights. In the age of information and globalization, however, Chinese media have to face challenges from media abroad and new media, like Internet, at home. Its previous advantages in news reporting, such as discursive power, competitive power and power of influence, are waning. This new scenario is not tally with China’s current status on world stage. So rethinking Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization with theoretical reflection proves to be obligatory and urgent. Therefore, the theme of the “Communication and China. Fudan Forum” for 2010 will be:

News Reporting in the Age of Information and Globalization: Idea, Institution and Technology of Chinese Media

News reporting requires technology first, which includes necessary equipments and techniques. But guidance from idea and support from institution are indispensible. Idea is the basis of institution and shapes it at the same time, institution manifests and maintains idea, and technology provides supports for idea and institution and also circumscribes them. The interplay of idea, institution and technology influence the process of news production. Needless to say, they aren’t necessarily in sync but with their own paces in practice. Nevertheless, any change in one front would inevitably affect another. Any attempt to achieve breakthrough exclusively in one front will only lead to short-term effect that precludes any possibility of fundamental advancement. Inspired by this mode of thinking and with empirical data, this forum is devoted to reviewing the transformation and status quo of Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization and to explore and reveal theoretical implication that underneath the surface.


The forum is calling for paper submissions from researchers all over the world. For your reference, here are some areas of interest.

1.  Transformation of Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization

2.  Future route for Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization

3.  News reporting and the credibility of Chinese media in the age of information and globalization

4. Chinese media’s news reporting and “openness, justness, fairness” of information in the age of information and globalization

5. Chinese media’s news reporting and new landscape of opinion

6. Cultural pluralism and Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization

7. News competition and Chinese media in the age of information and globalization

8. “Right to know and right of expression” and Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization

9. China’s regulation system on news media and Chinese media’s news reporting in the age of information and globalization

10. Idea, norm and ethic of news reporting and Chinese media in the age of information and globalization


Time for the forum: Dec. 10th and 11th, 2010


Submission address: Secretariat, Communication and China Fudan Forum 2010, Center for Information and Communication Studies Fudan Universiry, 440 Han Dan Road, Shanghai, 200433, P. R. China

Contact: Xue Li

E-mail: cics@fudan.edu.cn

Telephone/Fax: 86-21-65643743

Manuscript format: Please email manuscript in Microsoft Word format.