



学历学位:香港城市大学媒体与传播系 博士学位;香港城市大学媒体与传播系 博士后




曾秀芹,张楠 (2024). 广告调研与数据分析.武汉:武汉大学出版社.

曾秀芹,张楠 (2015). 新闻传播统计学基础.厦门:厦门大学出版社.(获评2024年南强精品教材)


Ÿ Li, D., Zhang, N.*, Li, H. (2024). Money Versus Time: The Effects of Social Media Exclusion on Mental Construal and Donation Behaviors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Online first. (SSCI; 通讯作者).

Ÿ Skoric, M., Zhang, N.*, Xia, C., & Ling, R. (2024). The Digital Strategies and Efficacy of Environmental Movements in Hong Kong. SAGE Open,14(2), 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/21582440241247703 (SSCI; 通讯作者).

ŸZhang, N., & Ai, M*. (2024). Conservative or liberal? Pathways from media use to political ideology through public vs. private discussion among Chinese Netizens. Journal of Political Ideologies, 1-18. Online first. DOI: 10.1080/13569317.2024.2335936 (SSCI)

ŸZou, W., Huang, L., & Zhang, N. (2024). Support-Seeking Strategies, Family Communication Patterns, and Received Support Among Chinese Women with Postpartum Depression: A Content Analysis of Zhihu Posts. Health Communication, 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2024.2323837 (SSCI)

Ÿ Masood, M., Meng, X., Oktavianus, J., Moskovljevic, M., Zhang, N., & Skoric, M. (2024). The Influence of Online Political Expression on Disagreement and Incivility: The Moderating Role of Social Identity. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 68(2), 198-217. DOI: 10.1080/08838151.2024.2304182 (SSCI)

Ÿ   Ai, M., Gibrilu, A. W., & Zhang, N*. (2024). Editors, users, and post-publication gatekeeping: A study of news ranking on Chinese digital native media. Journalism Practice, 18(4), 783-802. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2022.2055623. (SSCI; 通讯作者)

ŸLi, D., & Zhang, N*. (2023). The Golden Mean: How Zhongyong Affects Environmental Behaviors and the Pathways. Environment and Behavior, 55(5), 335-363. https://doi.org/10.1177/00139165231187413. (SSCI; 通讯作者)

Ÿ  Zhang, N., & Li, D*. (2023). Mind the Gap: How Zhongyong Thinking Affects the Effectiveness of Media Use on Pro-Environmental Behaviours in China. Environmental Communication, 17(4), 437–451. (SSCI)

Ÿ   Ai, M. & Zhang, N*. (2021). Strong-tie discussion, political trust and political participation: A comparative study of mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. International Communication Gazette, 83 (5), 497-516. (SSCI; 通讯作者)

Ÿ   Zhang, N*. & Skoric, M. M. (2020). Getting their voices heard: Chinese environmental NGOs’ Weibo activity and information sharing. Environmental Communication, 14 (6), 844-858. (SSCI)

Ÿ   Skoric, M. M. & Zhang, N.* (2019). Opinion leadership, media use, and environmental engagement in China. International Journal of Communication13, 4602-4623. (SSCI)

Ÿ   Zhang, N.* & Skoric, M. M. (2019). Making the news: environmental NGOs and their media visibility in China. Chinese Journal of Communication12(4), 395-413. (SSCI)

Ÿ   Kasadha, J.*, Zhang, N., Mpoza, A., & Alli, A. A. (2019). The 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections: A litmus test. Journal of Public Affairs, e1994. DOI:10.1002/pa.1994 (ESSCI)

Ÿ   Zhang, N.* & Skoric, M. M. (2018). Media use and environmental engagement: Examining differential gains from news media and social media. International Journal of Communication, 12, 380-403. (SSCI)

Ÿ张楠、黄莉瑶、谭筠鹏、李贞 (2023).不同类别媒介使用对公、私领域环保参与的影响研究. 新闻大学,1247-60.

Ÿ  张楠*Skoric, M. M. (2019). 媒体使用与环境参与:比较新闻媒体与社交媒体的作用中国传媒报告, 18(3), 15-25.

Ÿ艾民伟,张楠 (2016). 名人圈里的小世界:人民微博的网络结构与影响力分析孙立、杨萍主编,文学传媒新观察(学术卷),广州:中山大学出版社,195-204.

Ÿ张楠,艾民伟等 (2014). 手机依赖的概念内涵及其现状调查——一项基于大学生群体的研究现代广告(学术刊),1778-86.

Ÿ 艾民伟,张楠 (2014). 一个悲剧,许多故事:毕节流浪儿窒亡事件中的微博议题建构雷跃捷、陈卫星主编中国新闻传播学评论 (1),北京:中国传媒大学出版社,144-156.




2. 福建省社会科学基金青年项目:乡村振兴背景下促进村民环保参与的媒体策略研究(已结项)。

3. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目:乡村振兴背景下生态文明建设的传播策略研究(已结项)。


寄语(Advice to students):

When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.


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