

2021年毕业于东北大学,获管理学博士学位。攻读博士学位期间,曾赴比利时根特大学说服传播研究中心进行博士联合培养。已在SSCI检索期刊《Journal of Advertising》、《Journal of Consumer Behaviour》、《Frontiers in Psychology》期刊发表多篇学术论文。研究兴趣主要集中于新媒体广告、网红营销、计算广告。


Guoquan Ye is an assistant professor at the Department of Advertising, Xiamen University. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from Northeastern University. His research focuses on the persuasive effects of new media technologies, the effectiveness of influencer marketing, and the computational advertising. His work has appeared in peer-reviewed SSCI journals such as Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Behaviour and Frontiers in Psychology, as well as major Chinese journals including Journal of Marketing Science, Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science).








Ye, Guoquan, Hudders, L., De Jans, S., & De Veirman, M. (2021). The value of influencer marketing for business: A bibliometric analysis and managerial implications. Journal of Advertising, 50(2): 160-178. (SSCI)


Beuckels, E., Ye, Guoquan, Hudders, L., & Veroline, C. (2021). Media multitasking: A bibliometric approach and literature review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 623643. (SSCI)


Guo, F., Ye, Guoquan, Hudders, L., Lv, W., Li, M., & Duffy, V. G. (2019). Product placement in mass media: A review and bibliometric analysis. Journal of Advertising, 48(2), 215-231. (SSCI)


Guo, F., Ye, Guoquan, Duffy, V. G., Li, M., & Ding, Y. (2018). Applying eye tracking and electroencephalography to evaluate the effects of placement disclosures on brand responses. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(6), 519-531. (SSCI)


Liu, W., Guo, F., Ye, Guoquan, & Liang, X. (2016). How homepage aesthetic design influences users’ satisfaction: Evidence from China. Displays, 42, 25-35. (SCI)


叶国全, 郭伏*, 李峰香, 胡名彩. (2021). 电影植入广告有效性的影响机制研究. 东北大学学报自然科学版, 42(12): 1797-1840. (EI)


郭伏, 叶国全*, 李明明, & 吕伟. (2018). 植入式广告显著度对广告效果影响的眼动研究——以电影植入式广告为例. 营销科学学报, 13(4), 18-33. (CSSCI)


刘畅, 郭伏, 刘玮琳, 叶国全, & 韦清毅. (2018). 老年人购物网站首页界面感知可用性评价及预测. 工业工程与管理, 23(6), 101-107.


胡名彩, 郭伏, & 叶国全. (2018). 基于改进变精度贝叶斯粗糙集的感性知识获取. 东北大学学报 (自然科学版), 39(12), 1794-1799. (EI)


郭伏, 吕伟, 王天博, & 叶国全. (2018). 基于表面肌电和心电的手工搬运作业疲劳分析. 人类工效学, 24(1), 1-6.






